I’m sure I’m no different to any self-respecting geek; you see a link to a new gadget and you can’t help but click on it to find out about the shinny new thing. Equally I’m sure that most of the time you finish reading with a” Meh”. The IRIS+ from 3D Robotics however made me stand back and say WOW!

This thing is seriously cool. It a personal drone that will do more than just fly around with the added camera to record amazing Ariel images. If has “Follow me” allowing you to run or race about while the drone follows you centring the images directly on you. It can do 3D image scanning, autonomous flight by giving it a set mission. You just draw a line of a map to tell it where to go. If will even return home when the battery is running low or it goes out of range of you controller.

A must buy for anybody that has the cash to spare and is looking for an amazing drone that you don’t need to spend months learning to fly so you won’t crash into a tree the first time you try to fly it.
Checkout the promotional video to really see what it can do.