The last 7 days of pain

Beverage 365 - 08/03/09

It been one week of one armed action since i smashed up my collarbone and I can tell you if not easy trying to slice bread when you running at 50% armage.

The first nightmare I’ve had with my injure has been the crazy amounts of pain killers I’ve had to take.  My four hourly drug intake has been Paracetamol, Codeine Phosphate and Ibuprofen.  When your the kind of person that rarely takes pills even if you have a headache; then switch to taking six ever four hours can start to make you feel like there is something very wrong with you.  To top if all off if wasn’t even putting a dint into the pain erupting out of my arm and shoulder every time I moved,  so it was back to the doctors.  What the doctor came up with was a replacement for the Ibuprofen with some lush “shit” colored Diclofenac pills.  Pain had gone.. which was nice, apart from the chronically bad stomach pains. So a quick switch back to no stomach pain and continued shoulder and arm pain.

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