Wet January

I always find this whole “Dry January” a bit worrisome, I mean how much is everyone drinking to feel the need to give it a rest for a whole month.

Wine – By Phil GB

I’m not a big drinker but I do drink… I don’t drink if I’m hanging out with the kids, I don’t drink if I have stuff to do, I don’t drink if it’s a school night. Basically what I’m left with is very little and I will often go multiple weeks (Sometimes months) without have a drink.

So from my prospective I just can’t get my head around how much everyone is actually “cutting out” by not drinking for a whole month. Unless everyone is drinking just about every night and then I can’t help but think if you; when do you get anything done.

If I’m having a drink I’m going to switch off to everything else and sit back and enjoy it. If I was to do that two or three night a week the household would fall apart and my life would quick turn into just going to work and drinking.

I was however thinking that maybe I’m missing out on something so this year I’m going to commit to having a drink at least once per week.

After all I have read that drink wine can have some health benefits.


Not that I’m going to be exclusively drinking wine but I think I need to at least get some drinking outside of social events. I’ll let you know how I get on.


Fake “night mode” news for iPhone 11 Pro

A friend pointed me to this article from Peta Pixel about the iPhone 11 Pro’s Night Mode being a liar.


It seems that the Night Mode on the iPhone 11 Pro fakes it when using the Telephoto lens.

Basically when using Night Mode on the telephoto x2 lens what is actually happening is the phone digitally zooms using the X1 lens and take the photo with that not the X2 lens.

I have personally noticed a big difference in video quality in low light between the wide angle and telephoto vs the X1. Only the X1 lens look reasonable with video in low light.

No major issue overall but for Apple to fake it is a little misleading from Apple who are normally good with stuff like this…. remember “ prone to micro aberrations”? PHIL GB

A Winning Lottery Win

Whenever somebody goes public after winning the lottery I can’t help but check out who has won. The main reason for this is that feel the need to “asses” the winners, whenever I judgemental deem them as not fit to win I always think that it “should have been me”.

Nothing better then when it seems like the winner deserves the win. A storey recently about a builder that won then a few days later was spotted finishing off some work he had arrange for one of his customers…

I just love the idea that even with all that money he would care enough to not want to let a customer down. Leave me with warm fuzzy feeling and makes me even happy that they won.

With that in mind – here is a brilliant winner.