I can’t be the only person looking around for some cracking Black Friday deals. Some of my links are from Amazon so if you want free delivery you can get a 30day free trial of Prime (also includes Prime Video and Music). GET PRIME FREE FOR 30 DAYS HERE.
So here is my list of finds.
Personal Stuff
Ridge Wallet’s are amazing small form factor metal clips wallets that will last for years…. This one is not £130… it’s £13.99 and will last a long time: https://amzn.to/3glk0OR

Healthy Stuff
One of my favorte mad companys Xiaomi (Say it right people: BBC) have a great Smart Scale for just £19.99. This is brilliant for the price: mi.com

Kitchen Crap
Its an Airfryer, it frys using air, it’s £30 (Normally £50). Get it from Argos: https://www.argos.co.uk/product/3063202
TASSIMO coffee maker, you know the one that uses the fancy pod thing (remember to recycle), this one from Bosch is only £29: currys.co.uk

Smart Person / Big Brother in a Speaker
Google has got two great deals, the first in the Nest Mini for less than half price. £20, you could sort out every room.
You can pick one up directly from the google store with free postage:

The second with a big discount is the Nest hub, I have got one of these things and they are great (no camera nonsense), if basically a google speaker with a display, you can play Netflix, youtube on it while you’re in the kitchen or just use it as a speaker.
Again it is available directly from the google store:
For those of you that are all about Alexa, there is a cracking deal on the new 2022 Echo Dot. Reduced to only £26.99 from £54.99. Amazon have the goods: https://amzn.to/3Ei8GLd
Even better than that they also have an offer where you can get a Phillips Hue bulb for an extra £5, get that here: https://amzn.to/3TMUaB0
Smart Lighting
Govee is one of the best “none standard” smart lighting companies around and these 5-metre-long LED lights are way cheaper than normal AND now they are also on a cracking Black Friday deal. £16.99, they are compatible with both Alexa and Google smart speakers.
You can pick them up from Amazon here: https://amzn.to/3gaU8oY

Home Stuff
This “I have a video doorbell” looking wireless doorbell without a video doorbell feature (so basically a doorbell) for under £10: https://amzn.to/3VaVIWn
In my opinion it doesn’t matter if you get the cheap one or the expensive one, they are all rubbish. So if you need one as long at it works. 2 iPhone charge cables for £6.79: https://amzn.to/3OiOspk

The wonderful Henry Hoover. Get up them cat hairs with £50 off from B&Q :
Computer Stuff
This one is not for everyone but this price is epic £184. Actually, its £184 cheaper than it normally should be. A tiny, very highend 2TB SSD harddrive. I don’t think I have ever seen the price this cheap before so if you and running out of space on your computer or need something to connect your phone to offload your photos (you may need an adaptor) and want a super fast drive with 51% discount this is your boy. Its only £179.99 on Amazon: https://amzn.to/3hP9kIG
This may not be the fastest laptop in the world for if you need something for the kids to do homework on, that is up to date with Windows 11. This ASUS 15″ HD Laptop will be more than enough at only £229. Pick one up Here: https://amzn.to/3hP9kIG
Wi-Fi it’s the second most important utility in your home after water. This amazing deal on Google Nest Wi-Fi extenders is £63.99 for two. Google’s own site is charging £79… for One. If you need better Wi-Fi get you over in from Argos: https://www.argos.co.uk/product/4339186?rec=PDP%5B4162308%5D:bottomSlider:P1:SS:syte:4339186:KbfDQNvOkhaHuW8A8vnW

For laptop that’s a bit more higher-end Currys have £200 off this cracking laptop with an i7 Processor and 512GB SSD. Only £449 for the ASUS Vivobook 15.6″, get it from Currys: GET IT HERE
You sunk my battle ship, £4 from John Lewis, Bargin: https://www.johnlewis.com/john-lewis-travel-battleship/p4827911
Tie Fighter… A Bloody Tie Fighter for £29.99. Legotastic, Get it done: Smiths Toys
Other Stuff
Nice little backpack for £8.99 from the mad people over at: mi.com
Clean up that crap from only £7.82 : https://amzn.to/3UTZrZ0