For a number of years now I have been following the classic Project 52. One Photo per week focused on a set theme. Me and a good friend have been running this on a group on Facebook and have been enjoying the process.
I know some photographers put a big focus on different weekly technic or styles but our idea was always much more simplified.
Just any photo, taken in or around that week and try to fit the basic theme of the week. If not about trying to win any medals for the best photo, it’s more about giving yourself a little fun challenge to put a little bit of creativity into your week. The Full Frame, Digital SLR or even old-school film cameras you could even just open MSPaint or Stable Defussion for all I care. It’s the taking part that counts.

I’m going to be posting every Monday that week’s challenge on here Mastodon and Twitter to give people a chance to get involved using the #P52 hashtag.

I’m not doing this to try and take away from the literal thousands of groups and individuals that have their own Project 52s all over the world. I’m trying to do something that is not focused on how good your composition is, or how much money you have spent on your camera but it just might bring together a small group of individuals from different walks of life all trying to complete a little challenge together. I’m sure some photos will be amazing and some will be funny and rubbish but that’s ok.
I’m going to be linking in with some of the notable photos that are posted later so check back or feel free to hit me up in the comments here or on Mastodon: