Twitter hiking across the world

Imagine trying to hitchhike from Newcastle in the UK to New Zealand in… New Zealand; not an easy task. Well Newcastle blogger and media guru Paul Smith is going to do just that.


The plan is to travel from Newcastle Tyne and Wear to the other side of the world with no other help than the kindness of the global network of twitter users. I have meet a number of people on my own doorstep using twitter and I believe that it is possible to complete such a mammoth task based on the kindness most twitter users give. The internet is an amazing place for making the maddest of tasks possible; remember “one red paperclip” and the Million dollar website. All became possible because people from all around the world talked about it, blogged about it and told their friends. The media circus that followed help drive what seemed like an impossible tasks to become possible. The task that Paul is going to undertake maybe an adventure for him; but more so, it is to raise awareness for a good cause – charity: water.

My idea to help the process along is to shout about it on twitter, I don’t just mean to re-tweet about it, but focus the shouts towards the twitter big guns. Celebrity’s like Stephen Fry, Jonathan Ross, Kevin Rose and God! The more noise directed toward people like this will puch them to talk about it and the quicker the world will find out about and support such a great idea for such a good cause.

Please… if you do one thing today…. Donate towards this great cause

If you do two things today make the second to follow and tweet about Twitchhiker to any and all of the celebrity’s you follow on twitter.

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