How things have changed #NEFollower

How things have changed #NEFollower

@SMLP you are my hero, Love Michaela Strachan

Time to sit down a write another blog post. I’ve had a bit of busy few days recently so sitting down to write a post presents me with one big fat problem. What to write about?

I was going to do a little bit about what’s going on with @Twitchhiker over the last week. Maybe highlight the press coverage that he’s been getting and the fact that he missed out on a interview on BBC ONE’s “The One Show” or the fact that my tweetdeck “Twitchhiker” search has been going crazy since the first tweet about his plans were sent out.

But then I thought I would give it a rest for now and pull together another post closer to the 1st March.
But my final decision on what to post about is something that ran through my mind while on the bus on the way into Newcastle.

Michaela Strachan.

Yes you may remember her from such shows as “The Really Wild Show”, “Wacaday” and for the older readers “The Hitman and Her” and it is my mission (well until I give up) to get Michaela Strachan to sign up to tweet me the words “@SMLP you are my hero”.

Michaela Strachan

At 42 years young she is the girls off TV that you and your dad could happily watch while learning about animals. She was is still is the sexiest presenter on TV but do we really know what she’s all about and what she is doing? The girl deserves to have an a better online status and I think twitter is the way to do it. I want to see her presenting more mainstream prime time TV shows like “Big Cats” or even a total take over of Country File (Move over John Craven). She also lives in Cape Town, South Africa so her life has got to be more interesting than some of the celebrities out their, imagine some of the TwitPic’s she could be sending out. Lets tweet it out and tags it clearly Tweeter Tags #MICHAELASTRACHEN we want you on twitter.