What to 365? That is the question!

At the start of this year I made the very educated decision not to start the Flickr 365 project due to me not being able to commit that much time into the project.  Instead of committing each and every day to processing and uploading; never mind taking the actual picture I had to find me another plan.  That said I do know some people that have taken up the challenge with some quality images, Paul White is has some of my favorite with  some inventive subject images from Alistair UK.
So my second idea was to drop it back to the PIC 52 project.  One picture each week, simply.  My only problem is I tried it last year and it just didn’t happen; I only got to about week 6 before I called it a day, as I just didn’t have the pictures and didn’t want to cheat.  If you want to see someone that has made the most of the 52 PIC project check out Craig Rodway’s set with his genius Lego men on location.
My attempt at Pic 52 this years has also gone to the dogs, with only the first two weeks done.  I have to face it; my ability to fail at the task so far is great that my success. What I need is a way to get myself onboard with the task in hand.  A project that is easy to complete that will help me drive a behavior in myself to ensure that next time I start a 365 project I am more focused and used to taking pictures on a daily basis.
A quick sit back to look at the options; what do I do every day?  1 – Take a crap? Very wrong. 2 – Use my laptop?  I don’t think doing a screen dump everyday is going to get my inspired to move on to some quality photography at any point.  3 – Use my mobile phone? Well I have a camera on my phone so I could…. {Sips from cup of tea.}

Yes you’ve guest it – Beverage 365.  My plan is to take one photo of every (well just about every) drink I have everyday.  My promise is to not overload you with too much on my Flickr / Twitter feeds.  I will try to make my pictures as interesting as possible and give you (a best I can) an incite into what I’ve been up to;  I know none of you actually care about what I’ve been up to but that’s what I going to do… so 😛

Follow me on Twitter  – http://twitter.com/SMLP
Friend me on Flickr –  http://www.flickr.com/photos/biscuitsmlp/

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