OnlyFans “Star” starts affordable housing scheme

Firstly well done to her bringing in £100k a month from bean flicking for the boys (and girls) or whatever she’s doing. I would hardly say that it’s a “affordable housing scheme”.

OnlyFans star earning £100k a month starts ‘affordable housing scheme’ for UK families

The Mirror

A Cynical person would suspect that if you needed to promote your non-standard business venture to the mass media. Buying a bunch of houses from the thousands of pounds you have already made, renting them houses out and making a small profit from that; promoting it as some kind of charitable deed would be a good way to increase your earnings on your main business.

Rebecca Goodwin rakes in £100,000 a month by creating adult content on OnlyFans, and now the mum-of-two is planning to use her earnings to create affordable housing

The Mirror

That said however, nice one for the families who are going to be getting a little bit of discount on the rent and fair play to her she’ll be bringing in £200K per month before the year is out.

You get that bean flicked girl?

Read the full article from: The Mirror

SMLP : Phil GB

No gorilla needed. Just Phil doing his thing.

Sometimes when you get, used to listening to great albums from back in the 80s and 90s you get used to hearing the epic songs and standout singles.

When they are this good however you maybe don’t fully appreciating how good they were back in the day and that they (for the lost part) would have been performed live at most point and you missed out

Phil Collins is one of these artists where I have never actively looked back at live performances thinking that the album version of these great songs was enough.


I stumbled over this live performance of Phil performing “in the air tonight” at Knebworth in 1990.

Amazing band, amazing vocal and epic drumming.

Somehow the song feels more special seeing and listening to it in.

This is definitely worth 7 minutes of your life. (6min 33sec to be exact the extra 27secs are for saying (wow”)