Antenna Range Extender for DJI Mavic Mini

So when you live in the UK and fly a Drone… its sucks. The reason is the rules around the transmission distance from you controller to your Drone.

If your reading this in the UK and have recently purchased a Mavic Mini I’m guessing that you have started to notice that the range you are getting is nothing compared to what all them You-tubers are getting on them videos you have been watching. Well the reason is that the rules on what frequency your new little toy will transmit on is rubbish compared to what them FCC North American lot are getting.

Just as well we are English and will just “Keep Calm and carry on”…

The only problem is that we won’t be calm and we feel a little like we have been ripped off in what we are getting compared to what we thought we would.

Today I received an unnecessarily large amount of cardboard delivered to my home which contained the tiniest little box and a potential fix for the DJI Mavic mini range problem.

Antenna Range Extender for DJI Mavic Mini

I’m not going to pretend for a moment that I am the best product tester in the world but I got my new little range extender today and took my bird up. The results were quite surprising, I have a major issue where I normally fly because it’s a Wi-Fi busy area. The range I normally get only clocks up at around about 400m but with this little bit of plastic and reflective sticky tape strap to the front of my controller, I got a major improvement.

861 Meter Range

I managed to get my range up to 861m (I did the test again a few days later you can watch the “Improvement” here: HERE) and I know what you thinking that’s not very far but considering the issues I had before I’m a very happy man. I know I could have got more out of it but; as you can see it would have involved flying over factories and racing car tracks to get that distance up. Basically if you live in the UK (or any other CE restricted zone) I would recommend you drop the very small £14.99 and get your range up (Without an illegal firmware hack).

Check it out the range extender on Amazon –

(The above link will also help support me and my content… go on you know you want one)

Mavic Mini Flight V2

So here is my second showreel from my Mavic Mini footage. The Footage is a bit jerky but at the moment I’m unsure whether that’s to do with the way I’ve edited and slow down some of the footage so if I do need to consider getting myself an ND filter to smooth the video out.

(Please note some footage was taken by Homeless Tony)

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