One of the guys at work was talking to me today about different (Modern) R&B tracks he likes… I’m not a fan of the latest R&B tracks however I am a big fan of the old 60’s, 70’s R&B so he suggested he makes of a list of track he thinks I would like…..

With a list or tracks you got a playlist and in the currently world of having just about every song ever available to you at all times it’s so easy to pull together a playlist and share it with somebody. The problems is that nobody seems to do it.
I remember in the late 80’s early 90’s I would regularly make a mix tape for myself, make them for friends and more importantly in the late 90’s it was a way of telling my girlfriend(s) how you feel about them…. it’s now a bit of a lost art.
I can’t remember the last time I made someone a mix tape and having realised that… it feels a bit sad.
I’m going to change that and make my wife a mix tape (aka Playlist) as soon as possible. I’ll update this post with a link to it once done but I encourage everyone to make one person you know (at least) a playlist.